Remnant Bible Institute

The Bible Institute

The classroom – Since the winter of 2018 we began hosting live classes first using the campus at Freedom in Christ Church in Beaumont Ca.

We have been able to schedule semesters of learning in our evening courses, fall-winter-and spring. For those who cannot attend our live classes we can offer the recordings of the courses through our google platform.

The online classroom- Students may take the courses online that were taught in the classroom. RBI digitally records all courses , and can offer them online through our RBI at a distance classroom. Students will be required to complete the course in the time set up in the syllabus by the professors and meet all deadlines to receive grades as a live course.  

RBI provides students the opportunity to learn Gods word for the purpose of: Knowing Gods word in a deeper way and having attained the knowledge to serve faithfully in the local church

RBI is not a transferable degree granting institute- For those students wanting to work towards a higher Bible degree, Remnant Bible Institute has attained a transfer agreement with Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport, Louisiana, This relationship allows us to offer all our students the opportunity to transfer to a college or university where one can earn a diploma that has local and international standing. For more information about LBU and LBTS go to their website at

Understand, RBI is interested in equipping students to learn and teach the word of God in their community today, and not looking to be a transfer institution, but because some students may be called to go on we have made this agreement.

Although we are not a diploma based institute, we do ask all applicants desiring to enroll into our Institute to work as diligent as students enrolled in an Associate or Bachelor of Theology Degree Program. We would ask that you take the Bible courses serious, and work as though you are enrolled in a major college, because we will challenge you as though you are.

To enroll- students are required to submit official RBI paperwork.

All courses are available to all who want to learn for the purpose to teach the word themselves. We work on the donations given to the institute. All are welcome.

Students will be given 30 days to complete the application. If one does not complete the application within the allotted time one will need start the application process over again which includes another application fee.


Steve Avalos Director

Instructors are:

Are Bible professors (RBI) are classroom experienced

Pastors church leaders from local churches

Contact us at

Making leaders to teach the sheep 
Remnant Bible Institute
Early fall 2023 through spring 2024 courses
We will be offering three course studies in our calendar year
Session one early fall August 16-November 15 the book of Romans, taught by Professor Brian De Forge.
Session two the winter, we will be teaching the book of Hebrews, January 10thru March 13th, taught by Professor Paul Bass.
Session three the Spring we will be teaching the two books by Peter, April 17-June 5th taught by Professor Tim Bomer
2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
We invite all to take the opportunity to learn together so we may become active in teaching our communities, our families, our neighbors from the word of God.
Come learn to lead and teach others the good news. All classes are freely given; donations are always welcomed. 
Register for our early fall course Roman
Early fall course August 16-Nov. 15
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30-8:00PM
At the Blessing house
Professor Brian DeForge
NT356 Romans (3 credits)
The course is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans, a book long regarded as the most systematic presentation of doctrine in the Bible. Students will look carefully at how the saving life of Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, can transform lives.
The book of Romans will be taught verse by verse as an expositional study of the entire book of Romans.
Topics covered should include the
·         sovereignty of God,
·         salvation,
·         predestination,
·         sanctification,
·         Justification,
·         free will,
·         the Jews,
·          the Gentiles,
·         Israel,
·          The grace of God.              

Winter course
January 10thru March 13th
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30-8:00PM
At the Blessing house
Professor Paul Bass
 NT369 Hebrews (2 credits)
Hebrews is one of the more important books in the New Testament. This is due to a number of reasons: (1) it presents more “unsettled problems” (2) it makes a more extensive use of the Jewish Scriptures than any other New Testament document, (3) it is the major work on Jesus’ high priestly ministry, (4) there are widespread interest and historical debates over its severe warning texts, (5) it has a skillful construction and scholarly appeal, and (6) it has as its message a “word of encouragement” (13:22). Hebrews is, therefore, one of the most crucial New Testament books, which will be to the benefit of the student to master.
·         We will examine key historical, themes, looking at what some call problem passages for interpreting Hebrews
·         We will practice the use of independent observation apart from  apart from commentary analysis to determine the authors seven key Biblical-Theological Themes
·         We will apply steps in conversation analysis reading through varied version for comparison and for interpreting problem passages
·         We will critique broad and conservative theological interpretations of the Epistle of Hebrews
·         We will analyze different positions on authorial intent, the theology of salvation through Christ alone.
Spring course
April 17-June 5th
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30-8:00PM
At the Blessing house
Professor Tim Bomer
NT399 I & II Peter (2 credits)
This course will be a verse-by-verse study and exposition of the contents of I and II Peter.
The main topics that will be covered in this book, as pertaining to the natural flow of the text are:
·         Learning and experiencing the grace of God which enables us to not only live for God, but also to be submissive and suffer for His glory,
·         Gaining knowledge of God, through the Living Word of God which has been made available to us,
·         Growing in Christian character by which we are able to be steadfast in our Christian walk, in order that we may not stumble,
·         Discerning true doctrine as opposed to the “destructive heresies” that some seek to spread, speaking with deceptive words; and
·         Knowing that God is not slack concerning His promises and that His return for His Church is imminent.      
The First and Second Epistles of Peter were written for practical purposes. Whereas the First Epistle of Peter deals with the persecution of the believers, the Second Epistle deals with false teachers.  
·         The first theme Peter deals with is the suffering of Jesus that led to salvation
·         The second theme: our practical response to the knowledge that God will judge our actions at the last judgment
·         The third theme that Peter discusses is the hope we have in the soon return of Jesus.
·         The fourth theme, the order in society and in the church.
·          The fifth and last theme Peter addresses, the role Scripture has in providing guidance in our lives.

Remnant Bible Institute meets on Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 PM At Freedom’s church’s Blessing House


Registration paperwork will be located in the entry at church

Early fall Course The Book of Romans with Professor DeForge

Winter Course The Book of Hebrews with Professor Paul Bass

Spring Course

The Books of Peter with Professor Tim Bomer

Steve Avalos-Director RBI

Brian De Forge Board of Trustees Board of Director